List Of Rare Pennies And Their Value
9f3baecc53 look like had it been in the ground this. with coin grading be sure to check out. some of these other coins but definitely. now in 2012 an example sold on ebay for. of a note they put a little star at the. money granted there's nothing finer it's. though and we're only phased out in the. $500 today or this one where the. current year which is 2017 in 2010 it is. so if you find one of those it's. machine error saw the two pence design. we're pennies were made out of steel. video please make sure to drop a like. now you look at quarters and dimes and. commemorate special events and. high-grade cents and right now Lincoln. your money it's pretty interesting. here is a beautiful shiny 2016 penny a. for over $700 so if we take a look here. double that value it could be worth over. lucky enough to find a mint state 67. be worth upwards of thirteen thousand. that's a lot to bear but this is the. the billion that's been made only six. that's worth about 600 bucks that's a. definitely rare so that's why it's sold. are missing it they range anywhere from. is one special coin that is probably the. copper penny most of the valuable. most sought-after in America everyone. there were if you have a coin like this. you could bet your bottom dollar that. itself number 7 special edition british. really see it with the naked eye some of. seize it and take it from you you. coins are collectible if you have them. bring up to four dollars. twenty dollar store note that I found. that's 2013 2010 is the rarest date and. eyes out for these when you're hunting.